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Friday, September 13, 2013

How to Select the Right Listing Agent to Sell Your Home

9 Tips for Choosing the Best Listing Agent

There are two basic types of realtors: a listing agent and a buyer’s agent. A listing agent focuses on marketing, promotions and getting homes sold. A buyer’s agent is concerned with moving people in and out.

Both types of realtors are needed to complete a transaction, but today I wanted to tell you how to choose the best listing agent. I have a list of 9 things to keep in mind when choosing who you want to represent you!
  1. Find out their track record. How many homes have they listed and sold? Get a written list and do your due diligence.
  2. Do they have a written action plan to give you?
  3. Check out their company. Set up the second meeting at their office. Are they a reputable company?
  4. Are they well connected? Check out their LinkedIn and other social media profiles. 
  5. Do they have endorsements and testimonials for their service?
  6. Check out their website. Do they have a great website to list your home on?
  7. What is their proven system that goes above and beyond other agents?
  8. Do you have chemistry with the agent? You will be working with this person for 6-12 months!
  9. Ask around your neighborhood. Are there signs up? Have they worked with people in the neighborhood before?
These are nine things that you should consider when hiring your listing agent. Thank you for watching. If you have any questions, please call me. Together my team and I have more than 60 years of experience! We’d love to help you

Monday, August 26, 2013

Top 7 Questions to Ask Your Builder, Architect or Interior Decorator

Hello, everyone. This is the second part of my series on design and renovation. If you recall, the last video talked about how to give home buyers more power. My number one tip was organization to help you find the best contractor and designer in your area.

Today, I have seven important questions for you to ask your builder, architect or interior decorator to ensure you are choosing someone who not only produces quality work, but who will work well with you.
  1. What have you done that’s relative in size and scope and monetary value to what I am proposing to you?  Whomever you are interviewing should have a list of past projects with addresses and phone numbers, as well as before and after pictures. 
  2. Who is going to be working on this project with me? If you want a specific person at their company to work for you, make sure you tell them in the initial interview.
  3. When are they available? If you work during the day and want them to work in the evenings or weekends, it’s important to say that upfront.
  4. Is there a bond, a connection? There needs to be chemistry. You’re going to be working with this person for 6-12 months.
  5. Where are they located? You want to find someone who lives close so they can come over and work frequently and with ease. You also want someone in your local area because they will know the building codes and regulations.
  6. Do they understand what you are talking about? Have they grasped your idea? Can they see your vision?
  7. How is the budget process going to work? This is perhaps one of the most important questions. If they make an error, how are they going to fix it? Can they stay within your budget?
These are seven of the most important questions to ask when you are considering hiring someone to help build your dream.

Keep a look out for our third video in our series on renovation and design. I’m going to go over some tips and tricks to help you purchase land and avoid some unpleasant surprises.

Thanks for watching! If you have any questions at all, please call me at 786.581.1134!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Finding the Best Contractors in Miami

If you are looking to buy or sell a home, contact us!

Thank you for coming back to my video blog!

My background is in construction. I have a degree from the University of Florida School of Building and Construction. I went on and built homes for five years and then got my state certified contractors’ license.

The only reason I really got into real estate was because of construction. I wanted to know what features really worked. What floor plans were best? Which designs worked well? I then wanted to take that firsthand knowledge and use it in my construction.

Something happened, though. I have been in real estate for 16 years now!

I get to talk to a lot of people, a lot of contractors about design and I decided to do a video serious on remodeling. In the videos I’ll give you tips to give you more power as a homebuilder!

The number one tip I can give you is organization. On my website you will find some questionnaires for contractors, correspondence logs and a comparison chart.

I want you to print these off and then find three builders, three architects and three interior designers that you know do quality work.

How do you find such people or companies?

Drive through neighborhoods you like; look for signs from companies or if you find a particular house you like, ask the owner who they worked with.

Another way to find quality work is to check your chamber of commerce; find what builders have been around for a while.

Ask them the questions from the questionnaire. Then what? Tune in to next week’s video and I’ll tell you the next step in building your dream home!

Thanks so much for watching!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Preparing for the Miami Market

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People from all over the world want to live in Miami.  As a buyer, you need to be knowledgeable about how to buy a home in such a hot market.

What Can I Expect with $500k in Palmetto Bay and Pine Crest?

In Palmetto Bay, half a million dollars can get you a 4 bedroom, 2 bath home that is somewhat upgraded.  We just listed and sold a house in two days in Palmetto Bay!

The farther North you go, however, toward downtown and South Miami, the more expensive homes become.  In Pine Crest, $500k will get you a very basic home. Pine Crest’s price range goes up to $5 million.

Both are great areas, with great schools and other amenities.

What Do I Need to be Aware of as a Buyer in the Current Market?

A lot of buyers want to know how to go about buying a home in the Miami market. 

It is important to be prepared for competition; last week there was an open house where 40 couples were waiting on the realtor to unlock the door.

Have your finances in order before you look at a home. 

Work with a realtor you trust that is on top of the market. 

If you have any questions or want to a buy a home, please contact me at 786.581.1134.

Monday, June 10, 2013

How to Sell Quickly

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It is an interesting time to be a seller.  No doubt you have heard reports that homes are flying off the market.

While that is true, there are also homes that sit because of improper pricing.  To sell your home quickly, your home needs to be up to par with the others in the same price range.

As an example: if you live in a $750k neighborhood, a buyer will be expecting real hardwood cabinets, solid surface countertops, stainless appliances, etc.

One of the most important things to remember when selling your home is to compare yours to homes that have sold in your neighborhood, rather than active homes on the market.  The reason for this is often times properties are overpriced and sit unsold for long periods of times.

You need an experienced realtor that has knowledge of the market and can point you in the right direction.  Please call me at 786.581.1134 if you have any questions about selling your home.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Buyers Need Market Savvy For Today’s Highly Competitive Real Estate Environment

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It seems ages ago when there were not enough buyers to snatch up the overabundance of homes for sale on the market. Today, it is an entirely different story. With inventory at its lowest in years, more and more buyers are having to resort to their best offers, pulling out all stops right from the start. But how can you expect to win a bid when you are competing against many other buyers vying for the same property?

We’ve shared four tips on buyer savvy during a highly competitive real estate market.

Know Your Financial Outlook Before Getting Started

The very first step all homebuyers should take is to evaluate their financial situation. Whether this means taking a closer look at cash reserves on hand, deciding how much money to put down on the purchase or considering an affordable monthly payment amount to stay within. You will benefit greatly from a consultation with a mortgage consultation. They will examine your debt-to-income ratio and pre-qualify you for a loan. When you present an offer with proof of financing (or proof of funds for cash transactions), sellers will likely take your offer far more seriously than other offers without these assurances. It’s also critical to hold off on any big spending.

Take Competitors’ Timing Into Considerations

In a market when very few well-priced homes in good condition pop up on the market, it goes without saying that time is of the essence. These days, buyers almost flock to new listings following the frenzy that listing agents attempt to create in today’s selling environment. Be sure to make every attempt to view a new listing that interests you as quickly as possible to avoid missing a chance at the property altogether.

Don’t Procrastinate On a Decision to Make An Offer

If you see it, if you like it, don’t hesitate to make an offer on it. This may sound hasty but as long as you are sure you like the home, why wait to make an offer only to find that someone else beat you to it? Once again, having a preapproval in place helps to thwart other buyers’ attempts but keep in mind you will have plenty of competition to contend with, so the faster the better. It helps to obtain advance knowledge of neighborhood details such as school system information, property tax averages or neighborhood amenities.

Present Your Best Offer To Begin With

A best offer does not automatically mean more money. In fact, sellers often base their decision on other factors such as the contingencies placed on a contract, as well as the simplicity or complexity of an offer. Savvy buyers have already reviewed the contract in detail and know what they are getting into, asking any questions of their real estate agent ahead of time. Make your offer as clean, simple and straightforward as possible and if you can be flexible with things like closing dates or inspection periods – do it.
If you would like to learn more about how we can help guide you through a successful home buying process, contact us today. We look forward to making your real estate goals become a reality.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Do You Recognize a Good Offer When You See One?

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South Florida is definitely experiencing a sellers market right now and with that we are seeing a lot of interesting things happening in our marketplace. Just a few short years ago, we had an overabundance of properties on the market but here we are today with sellers finally enjoying the upper hand.

But now that you do have an edge in the marketplace, how do you handle the multiple offers coming in on your home? This is a time to be savvy, be careful and to thoughtfully scrutinize every aspect of offers. Here is a list of six things to look for in an offer:

Is It a Valid Purchase Agreement Contract?
In Dade County, there are one of two contracts that you should reasonably accept; either one written on a CRSP or a Florida Association of Realtors® contract. Anything else is questionable and could raise serious concerns later on for you without the protections in place as included on these known contracts. Also, never accept a verbal offer – always operate solely on offers that are in writing.

Are Disclosures and Addendums Completely Filled Out?
The risk of not having a completely filled out disclosure or addendum is that someone could easily fill those items out after the fact, which could therefore render your contract completely different than what you were expecting.

Is the Buyer Pre-Qualified By a Reputable Lender?
The last thing you want to happen is to find out you have accepted an offer only to learn the buyer was never qualified to borrow the funds needed to buy the house. Before taking the home off the market, be sure to call the lender and confirm the buyers’ financing – and request a letter stating that fact. Local lenders are always a better choice as you can easily communicate with them if needed.

How Much Money Will They Be Putting Down?
These days there are many options for financing and with that you can expect a wide range of buyers looking at your home. With that expanded buyer pool however, there will be some buyers financing most of the purchase while others will bring more money to the table. Try to work with buyers that have more money to put down, mainly because it is an indication of stronger financial capacity which could help to avoid them needing seller concessions.

Are the Buyers Tied Down By The Sale of Their Own Home?
Very often buyers are out looking at homes before their own property has sold and then without adding that contingency to the offer, end up faltering on the deal if their home does not sell in time. To avoid this from happening, try to find out as much as possible in advance so you are armed with that knowledge ahead of time and can decide whether you are willing to allow that risk.

Do They Have a Past Short Sale or Foreclosure on Record?
Banks aren’t the only ones that should be concerned with the creditworthiness of buyers. As a seller, you stand to suffer the loss of time on market if a sale falls through due to an undisclosed item on their credit history that results in a delay or worse, a terminated transaction. Find out as soon as you can whether the buyers are qualified and approved with a lender. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Buyers and Sellers: 3 Tips You MUST Hear Before You Start

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After a very explosive 2012, here we are on the cusp of what will likely be an equally, if not more, active real estate year ahead. With all that is happening, however, it is critical that you get an edge in today’s market. That’s why we have put together three tips for buyers and three tips for sellers so that you can come out on top with your real estate aspirations.

Sellers Enjoying a Strong Market
When demand is high, inventory is low and with prices beginning to slide upward, sellers enjoy the unique position of being able to drive even higher prices as multiple offers start pouring in. Particularly for homes that are in great condition, are priced well and in a great location – sellers continue to achieve at or above asking price on their homes.

With inventory levels as low as they are, we know that most sellers will be getting ample attention for their home. The key is to price it right so that those prospective buyers end up making it to the closing table.

In a world where things are so fast-paced, buyers certainly don’t want to wait more than they have to. If they walk into a home that is not staged right and priced right, they will simple move on to the next house. Be sure to de-clutter and clean your space and listen to your Realtor’s® advice about price.

It’s important to stay on top of the market and your home if you want to achieve top dollar. The homeowners that don’t heed advice such as the tips above, almost always end up with a home that takes much longer to sell and sells for less than asking price.

Buyers Continue To Reap Benefits of Low Interest Rates
Now that the Fiscal Cliff situation is resolved and things seem to be under control, many buyers are jumping off the fence and getting back into the swing of buying a house. The low level of available homes however makes for a very challenging market for some buyers, which is why it is essential for buyers to know and understand the marketplace.

With this low inventory comes a race to be reckoned with. Great homes that are priced well will be the first to go – so if you find a home you fall in love with, it’s important to be prepared to make decisions fairly quickly. Otherwise you stand the risk of losing the house to another bidder.

Sellers know that in a market where they have the upper hand, they can require a preapproval letter in order to accept a bid on a home. Not only that, buyers that have not obtained a preapproval can further delay the process. With a preapproval, not only will you know what your budget is but also you will have started the process and will have the edge of getting a head start once you do make an offer on your dream home.

Most people know that it doesn’t cost a buyer anything to use the services of a real estate agent. It is very important to choose wisely so you will want to interview agents carefully. You want to make sure you make a connection, decide who you are comfortable with and check to see that they are accessible and on top of the market.
We’d love to assist you with your buying, selling and investment needs. We invite you to contact us today for a customized consultation on how we can make your real estate dreams become a reality!